Tuesday, 29 November 2011

new shoes

I had a photo shoot with Theodora the other day and I also snapped a few stills. Whenever the final project is a photo album or a photo book, I try to include a few stills in the shoot. You know, something to have to use as a cover or as a transition element. I don't yet have permission to post any photos of Theodora on my blog, but I hope I'll be allowed to if I just ask nicely. In the meanwhile... just enjoy the still. Is it just me ore baby shoes are the cutest thing ever invented?

rzv update: He's working two jobs. Not much time on his hands. He had today off, but tomorrow... who knows?

Until the next time.. does anyone remember this?

Until the next time,

R over and out!

Monday, 7 November 2011


Now there's a pretty long time since I've wanted to experiment with this kind of photography, but, because of different reasons, I didn't quite get to it. Here are some 5-30 seconds exposures I took from a bridge in Hütteldorf:

I varied the colours around in post processing in some cases.

Until next time!