Sunday, 27 February 2011

Burn the streets.. shots and thoughts

Our fair city hosted a snowboarding competition today... didn't enter the photography contest because... well... because I'm rather lazy and I really have to focus on school these days.. I can only be productive for so much. I did take a few shots, though. Yeah.. great times. The energy drink company Burn was the main sponsor. And they did a really nice job of it... I got my free energy drink and my then warm slice of pizza, which I am enjoying as I'm writing this.

The riders provided a great show which made me stay with them until the end (despite the fact that my fingers were literally sticking to the lens of my camera.. yep... it was that cold) and I really hope the organizers do something like this again... I doesn't have to be snowboarding... I mean... other sports can be just as fun. How 'bout a golf tournament, eh?
Yeah... I'm joking about the golf part. But I do hope something like this happens again. Oh well... 'nuff said!

Some shots:

I'm also thinking of starting a new little project regarding the blog... more to follow.



  1. da nu te-am vazut pe acolo :D si se pare ca ai statut mult:))
    Multumesc ca imparti cu noi fotografiile reusite. Si chiar imi doream o poza cu tipul din ultima poza:))

  2. Tari pozele, imi place a3a pt ca este foarte "fly" asa. Ce camera folosesti?

  3. @JustAsmallGirl: Am fost.. pe acolo... Probabil ca nu m-ai vazut pentru ca era multa lume prin zona si pentru ca la un moment dat am luat o pauza... sa-mi incalzesc degetele.

    @Lady*izuH: Flosesc un Nikon d40x si, cu ocazia asta, am folosit doua obiective.. un Nikkor 55-200mm f/4-5.6G AF-S si un Nikkor 80-200mm f/2.8 AF..

    mai multe despre echipamentul pe care il detin aici
